The first lady of my family who has since sadly passed away ''Loocie Lastic'' ( so called because no amount of children was enough for her! She was shameless. Both her and her Hubby ''Phil Oakley'' so called because of the one sided hairdo which reminded me of the 80's uk pop band leader of ''Human League'' were at it like rabbits ALL the time! "Trying to make a baby" "cuddling" "Kissing" etc., AS if 6 kids wasn't enough already!!! No wonder she died aged 63! lol....The spawn of her loins I am pleased to say is far more sensible and far less crazed in THAT area thank the lord, but she does have an insessant urge to sharpen darn tools all the time! Sod the fact that everyone is starving and need food! Hubby is working himself to death and Great Grandhchild No.1 is only too happy to play in the toilet the minute my back is turned all she is concerned about is sharpening the bloody tools! Sheesh...... enough is enough! I amy have to try this desensitization malarky it's all getting a bit much at "Peeps Hollow" lol laugh
All things connect. - Chief Seattle 1854