I know, you're right. wink I get frustrated even though I normally have the patience for all LDW's games (well, I've never played the Plant or the Fish one but I have all the rest of their games) but this one is just frustrating me to know end. I have one family going right now and it's one I just started earlier after I installed the update. She was still single when I closed the game so she could sleep for the night.

I have 3 families going in the original version and I play them with the Day/Night reversed cause I'm quite a night owl myself.

Anyway, I'm going to continue trying cause I figure I just have to get the feel for this game. I think that once I make it past the first few days then things will start running more smoothly.

Oh, and I'm glad you brought up the menu bar. I see you moved it to the Mods section and that you also mention Mac users. I did download it but I'm not sure what to do with it, lol! I'm not very tech savvy. Anyway, I have a PC instead of a Mac, but it will work for both, right? Also, do I need to put both those files into the images folder?

Edit to add: Nvm, I got it figured out. Went in to check and my peep was completely exhausted but had received a promotion. Wonder why she was so exhausted...I have been playing VF 1 on my computer but that shouldn't have kept her awake, should it? I know my VF 1 families sleep during the day and I can be on my computer playing other games or browsing the web during the day and yet come 7:00 to 8:00 in the evening when I open that game back up, they are fully rested. Well, tomorrow I won't even get a chance to play again until at least 10:30 or so, so hopefully she'll manage to get some rest by then, lol!

Edited by Simsane (04/24/13 09:24 AM)