Hi Simsane,

I have not installed the update yet. But, for my first family, my peeps watered many places in the garden and I still received the Plant Tycoon" goal.

I too am still completing my first generation and have run out things I want to buy. Have not updated a career, or bought a maid etc. But I have played the lottery a couple of times with the extra cash (some good some bad results).

I also am wondering about the generational wait. I must admit it has slowed me down so that I actually get some real work done. In VF1 I felt bad when my peeps died, now I can't wait. I feel a little ghoulish! And everytime my adults in Family 1 complain about not have XYZ room, I keep thinking "Careful what you wish for!"

One of the new things that has tickled my is the need to empty the trash can everytime Mom changes the baby's diaper.
I wish my Tween age children had something better to play with than a stuffed toy. Maybe a Ball that could go out side with them? I wish there was a hot spot where my peep could make coffee! and maybe a little energy boost.

My peeps have made so many pine cone xmas wreaths and nut cakes we are set for xmas 2039!

Edited by Mayfly (04/24/13 12:59 AM)
Edit Reason: Forgot to mention: