I didn't see this mentioned in other posts, but it might already be known. I've found that when I accidentally drop a family member between a piece of furniture and the wall (i.e. behind a couch) they get stuck and seem to cycle through different actions/tasks without actually going anywhere. Is this a bug? Intentional? It could be made to be intentional, but have them say "Hey! I'm stuck!" smile

I've also had problems with getting the weed praising award, and with my food levels jumping up super high (currently at 8041!!), but others have already mentioned these. I wondered if the food level jump had something to do with the number of coins I had when I just switched to my next gen? I had somewhere just over 8000 at the time, and that's when I've noticed the extra food (it's happened twice now). <shrug>

Anyways, I'm on an iPhone 4s, iOS 6.0.1.

Thanks for all the great games!