I'm dying here, I got a new computer and downloaded Plant Tycoon, which I bought from Big Fish many years ago (before it was BF I think). I also downloaded the VST from here.

I installed PT from BF and when I try to play, the screen goes black, I have to pull up task manager, which says PT is not responding. I uninstalled it from BF and reinstalled it, same
thing happens. I uninstalled it from my control panel and reinstalled it thru BF, same thing happens.

Then I cam here to download VST. I had to down the Microsoft .NET 2.0 when I tried to install this, I get the error message that it can't be installed on 64 bit, so now what do I do, I'm very lost without my PT and VST. My other computer bit the dust and this in the only one I have. Help help help please.

Ok, I find that I have Microsoft.net 4.0 and that's the reason
I got the error for Microsoft.net 2.0. I've been able to download VST, but now I have to get PT to work on Windows 7.

Edited by RuthieJo (02/24/12 05:38 AM)
Edit Reason: made an addition
