I just chose Pie (Pieror) to inherit. He is the same age as his oldest sister, lol, and his oldest and youngest brother are both 27. xD

I still need the Perfect Match trophy, but I don't intend on waiting too long to get that unless he gets an adoption event, which I'm kinda hoping for. I also am kind of aiming towards the Marry Rich trophy. (Wouldn't it be cool if you got both in one shot?)

He is a BBQ Sauce Creator. His first proposal was from a redheaded girl named Utopia, who was a Soap Maker(Inventor?) with 155 dollars in the bank. I can't remember what her likes/dislikes and preferences for kids were. Oh and she was 20.

Hub is still alone. What amuses me is that he's already at level 5 in his career before he's gotten married, while I spoiled Pop so much that I thought he would never make it past level 5. (He made it to level 7, barely.)