^Yes. Insanity is a good thing.

"If a single one of you dies while I am asleep, I will NEVER forgive you. Understand?"

"Hurry up and finish this puzzle so you can finish the rest of the puzzles so I can play VV2!"

"Yay. They restored a magical garden. Celebration. Yay. NOW GET BACK TO WORK, ALL OF YOU!"

"Oh crud." Said when I accidentally dropped one of my builders onto my scientist, thus giving her breeding experience when I intended for her not to have a baby. She hasn't had one... yet...

"Kid, kid, where's a kid? Kid, I need a kid! Oh, there you are! ... Where'd the mushroom go? I know there was one somewhere! Where'd it go? Darn..."

"If you freeze one more time..."

"Stop freezing, you stupid thingy!"