I am christian. I am not offended by the way LDW deals with religion. I am not part of the "we all" who are offended.

Just like in other entertainments, some of which have fantasy or real belief systems portrayed in them, individuals are free to decide to pay the money to see the entertainment or to not see it. Same with games. individuals are free to choose to play them or not play them, to buy or not buy them.

The cost of LDW games have been about as much as going to a movie and getting a soda and some popcorn. Just as there are many companies making movies some of which may be more acceptable to your values, there are other companies making games that may be more suitable to your values.

Considering the number of games which contain mainly voilence in some for or another - LDW games are less voilent and more problem solving. Personally, I'd rather see kids playing a non violent game than one that requires violence to complete it.

I'm hoping the next game for PC comes out soon.