I have an adorable dog with a very, very fluffy neck. Her name is Faith (I call her Faithers a lot) and she's a Besinji/Akita mix.

However, cats that aren't mine live here; their names are Tiger, Casper, and Scarlet. Tiger is a Balinese whose pedigree papers say he's a Siamese, Casper is a solid-point Siamese who was bred down from champions, and Scarlet is a tortie-point Siamese who has an adorable, high-pitched mew.
My cousin, although he doesn't live with me, has a lilac tortoiseshell kitty named Tribble, a white and orange (I think) kitty named Max, and two brown, black and white goats (both weathers) named Gandalf and Chevron. They have a favourite bucket.

Edited by Upinde Wa Mvua (07/30/11 06:19 PM)
Edit Reason: fixed a typo.