I've had so many adopted members in my family over the generations! First generation, the youngest daughter named Caretta was adopted. Adoptions didn't happen for a few more generations until my sixth generation when Wizzy and Jumbo(the parents) adopted Marcone and Moss into the family. They're the youngest of that generation. Then it skipped another few generations until in my ninth generation, before Iota was even married, Amaretto came to her doorstep. Then a few minutes after she married Atom, another adopted kid named Lella came to the doorstep. Iota and Atom did have two biological children, Prisma and Balico(inherited the house, living there right now), but they also had another adopted child named Pan. She was there after all of the other kids had gone to college. But I was sad, because she was only 11 when both Iota and Atom died.

Does anyone ever turn away adopted children? I know I don't. They're always so adorable!
Thriving Thirteenth Generation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!