I know this may sound strange but this thought came to me in a dream. I was online checking the progress of VV4 when I saw it and it was ready to be played. I can't remember the chapter name of the game though. Anyway it started just like any other VV chapter. Something happened that would end up dragging some villagers into some huge adventure. A child found an entrance to a cave that hasn't been investigated yet. Three children four adults and the chief decided they would be the ones to look around inside of it. They go inside first they dont see anything that amazing so they decide to leave. As they make their way out an earthquake happens and destroys the entrance trapping them in. Hoping to find another way out they go furthur back into the cave and find somthing incredible. Another lost city hidden deep in the cave. There were also giant glowing mushrooms and huge crystal clusters. There was a small pool of water with fish swimming in it at the bottom right corner of the screen. I'm guessing it was a food source. At the top left corner of the screen the chief was staring at some wall carvings. When I clicked on him his action said trying to read the wall carvings. At the top right corner of the screen there was a tunnle that was blocked by rocks and large boulders. All of the adults were trying to squeeze through to get in. I can only remember two of the four different collectibles in te game. The two that I remember were crystals and mushrooms. Thats pretty much all I remember from that dream.

I have another idea for the up coming VV chapter. VirtualVillagers The Book of Secrets. In this chapter you must recover the prized possesion of the native inhabitants of ISOLA. A book that has all the secrets of ISOLA writen in it. The book was written by the chief of the first tribe that inhabited the island. The binding of the book has been found but all of it's pages are missing. Choose a group of villagers to recover the missing pages. So I was thinking every puzzle you complete you find one page of the book. On the collection screen you can read the pages you have found so far. But I still have to think of what the pages will say. These are some collectibles I thought of for the next VV. Flowers or blossoms, Crystals, Fossils.
Take care of the Earth as if it was your own home, because the Earth IS your home.