I have tried EIGHT TIMES to get a villager to beat the Master Builder at her own game. EIGHT TIMES the villager has started the challenge, then dashed off to fix a hut. EIGHT TIMES I have wasted all those energy points trying to get this challenge finished. (And on one of those occasions, I lost a villager completely...she simply vanished when I shut off the game in disgust, and I haven't seen her again since. I posted about this in the Technical Issues section...now that is a definite bug if I ever saw one.)

Why are my villagers refusing to stay on task? They're Master Builders, I have that skill checked, they aren't afraid of wood, etc. It's bad enough that the kids won't stay in the nursery more than a few seconds, but this is ridiculous.
~~ I got you, Mulder. I got you big-time! ~~