I love VV5! It's alot more exciting converting the heathens and tearing down totems!

Simularities and things I missed from VV4:
I missed the title
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in VV4. Didn't want to take the chance whether or not that was a spoiler.

I too liked how in VV4
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The blockage would continue to build up and you could train builders while doing so, and in VV5 it seems their building skill doesn't build up as fast while "Fixing the huts" and "Polishing the statue".

Also, a lot of the same hair styles that were used in VV4 are the same or similar to the ones in VV5. Like Caia in the [HUGE SPOILERS] Post your VV5 pictures here! In VV4, the same hair style was used, but with a flower in her hair instead of grass.