I play flute (just barely,) piano(I'm not that good at it though. I asked for a keyboard for my birthday so I can get better,) recorder, and ukulele. I'm not kidding about the ukulele. My grandparents went to Hawaii and brought it back with a how-to book for my little sister. My parents wanted me to teach her to play it since I can read music, but she lost interest in it so I just ended up teaching myself. laugh

Oh, I almost forgot singing! Yeah, I sing a lot. In the shower, in school, while playing on the computer...all the time. I'm signing up for every chior my school has to offer just so I can do it more. In fact, right now I'm singing the song I'm trying to figure out for solo/ensamble. It's my first time in it this year so I'm scared out of my boots. eek
*insert witty comment here*