I find the converting people part somewhat tasteless no matter how it's done. But it's just a game, so I try not to associate it with anything real.

What I really find aggravating are those yellow heathen bully children. They are obnoxious and out of control. With some practice and tricks you can learn to deal work with the other yellow guys, but the kids just run around and -- here's my big complaint -- make people drop things. I've lost TWO rare collectibles this way. Given how VV goes, it's not likely I'll see them again in my playing time. Chasing after the collectibles has never been one of my favorite aspects of VV and this just makes it annoying.

Still, it's shaping up to be a good game. Seems easier to figure out what's needed for the puzzles than some of the other VV games, and once you get the hang of the heathens it's pretty smooth sailing.