I have had 3 set of triplets in my 5 tribes.
I just returned from the holidays, by the way, BELATED Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, and found 1 of the 5 tribes DOWN to a set of triplets.They WEREN'T there when I left. Now ALL the adult villagers have died. Now it's up to the 3 triplets. They are 3 yrs. old. 2 boys and 1 girl. I made the girl chief. I found she can "bury" the dead, make a fire, stand on the lift, which I found out , she DOESN'T plant, but when you put her to "harvesting", she will "guide" work, picks mushrooms and collectibles and makes "magic" food.
They were in the "weaken" state of health, but she made "magic" food and now they are a "little" bit better.
I went away for awhile today and came back and they are 9 yrs. old now. So "maybe" they will "survive" to their teens and work.
In the other 4 tribes, I STILL haven't been able to get a master builder BEFORE either the builder dies or chief dies, BEFORE I can get the tech pts upto the 125,000 level to do the statue. Still trying though.
Like I said earlier, BELATED Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.