Hey thanks for replying everyone. I'm still trying to make triplets with no luck. The best I got was twins.
Is there a 'best' age that is most likely to produce triplets? Do younger villagers have a better chance than the older ones? Please keep me informed!
I was also wondering how you make the spoiler tags.

hi thena, this is how you make a spoiler tag:
switch to the full reply screen, and click the button (a capital S with a slash through it). Put your spoiler in between the two brackets.
A faster way to make spoiler tags is to type in your spoiler message, then put this in front: []spoiler (put the word 'spoiler' into the brackets, I didn't put it in because it will create a spoiler tag) and put this after your message: []/spoiler (again, put /spoiler into the brackets).
So if you do it correctly,
Click to reveal..
you should be able to make plenty of tags like this!

To make a spoiler inside a spoiler, put this in: []spoiler []spoiler, []/spoiler, []/spoiler (put into brackets).
Click to reveal..
Have fun making
Click to reveal..
plenty of spoilers inside spoilers, and if you want to make another spoiler tag, just add another []spoiler []/spoiler! PM me if you have any more questions.

Cheers, Midii smile
Yay! My first set of triplets!