Hi! This is the last part of Aspen's story as a child. I am unsure whether or not o continue, so please post in the comments thread if you want to hear about Aspen's adult life!

I am going off to college in a few short weeks! I won’t have time to write, so this will be a temporary goodbye. I am going to major in Computer Studies, and cannot wait to work in an office! I am also excited to meet my peers, and though I still enjoy the forums and the Virtual Villagers series, I am ready for a new experience. Harry, the youngest, is 4, and is a little troublemaker, who is aided by the twins, who are 9. Kikory is 13, and can’t wait to be an adult. Sadly, I won’t be there to celebrate his 14th birthday with him. Gregur, the oldest boy, is 16, and we are as different as possible. He likes cooking- I detest it. I like running- he likes walking. We hardly ever get along, and we have to share everything! I have to share everything with my brothers, and never get any privacy! Luckily, my parents are done with kids, and are instead focusing their pursuits on work. We just got a treadmill, which makes me very happy, and I can walk on it for hours and not get bored.
I still like to read when my guiding hand is busy, and I read out loud to my brothers every night. I pick from my large collection. I have read everything except for my impressive collection of tabloids to my brothers multiple times. My parents are slowing down, so Gregur and I share most of the chores, such as cooking and putting away the groceries. We have to do this, whether we like it or not, because the Guiding Hand makes us. Oh well. At least I don’t have to deal with 2 year olds constantly running around.
My Virtual Villages have taken a backseat to college applications and packing, but I still maintain all of my tribes. I recently got into drawing my villagers, and have a couple pictures here. I have also downloaded both Plant Tycoon and Fish Tycoon, and while I am not very far in, I love them. I still love my villages, but I am afraid that I will have to end them before I leave for college. The old computer will still have the copies, though, if I come back. Hopefully, there will be a new installment for me to play. Oh! I almost forgot to say that we finally finished the coin collection! I am proud to say that I found the final coin.

Goodbye, for now.
I'm going to take the time right now to plug my fanfics. Aspen's story and Lilihia and the Tree.