Hi this is my first ever fanfic! It's called Aspen's story, and follows an adoptee throughout her life. Please don't be too hard on the writing; I'm writing from the perspective of a 3 year old.
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I was cold, hungry, and tired. My legs couldn’t carry me any farther. Where were my new mommy and daddy? The kids at the orphanage had said all you had to do was walk out; then you would find a new mommy and daddy. Then, I saw a great big house with a gate; behind the gate, a pretty woman with brown hair was weeding. I peered through the bars, and she let me in. “What’s your name, sweetie,” she asked, “and where are your parents?”
“My name is Aspen. I am three, and I don’t have any parents.”
“Well, that can’t do! You have to live with me! Come in, we’ll get you cleaned up.”
I followed her in, and she cleaned me up, and fed me. The kind lady’s name was Sooniana, and she had short brown hair with a bow, and a dark dress. She lived alone.
It was very nice living with Sooniana. She had a dog named Max, and a pool, and lots of toys for me to play with. She was very lonely though, until one day she got an email that made her very happy.
“Aspen, I just got married! Come on; let’s go meet your new daddy.”
My new daddy was very nice. His name was Akor, and he was very nice to me. He had dark brown eyes and hair, and a grey shirt. He and Sooniana kissed, and they asked me for some privacy. I went to go play with my toys in my room for a few minutes, and then I heard celebrating. I ran into the room, and I found out I had a new baby brother. His name is Gregur.
I'm going to take the time right now to plug my fanfics. Aspen's story and Lilihia and the Tree.