Since I wrote my OP less than 24 hours ago, some of the worst bugs have been fixed, which bears out what Arthur says above. Also, I think it's important to look closely at the posts in the FB forum. Although it looks at first sight like the developers are ignoring the posts by not replying, in fact that's an illusion, based on the sheer volume of hundreds of posts, all hysterically (and in various degrees of comprehensibility) want their particular problem fixed NOW. I imagine that it would need a team of people 24/7 to monitor the forum and reply to each post definitively, which is not possible and wouldn't be of much use in game development.

I take your point about the different ways of working when developing for FB. I perhaps started playing FB games late, as the two games I play, Café World and FishVille (both Zynga games) are fairly bug-free now. They do seem to have problems with bugs fairly often when they introduce new features, though...

However, I don't think that we should point to Zynga as a role model. I don't play it, but I've read a few very favourable reviews of My Tribe (yes, them!) on FB, which is of course in direct competition to VV. The reviews make a point of mentioning that MT is relatively bug-free (they mention Zynga games like FarmVille here that aren't) and has pretty good and well-thought-out gameplay. Presumably they had to test the game and iron out bugs, but they seem to have done it more successfully than VV.

Which brings me to my second point. There is minimal gameplay in VV. The quests - at least so far - are all simple enough with your hand being held all the way. At present I've no further quests showing for me to carry out so I'm reduced to dropping the villagers on axe heads, weeds and plants to gain coins and XPs - not particularly interesting.

I'd suggest posting a warning on the game's FB page, and make sure that it's seen by everyone who signs up to play. The warning should say that the game is at an early stage of development, and that those looking for a problem-free game should look elsewhere. It should be mentioned that the game will contain bugs and at present lacks some features. It should also ask that those with bugs or suggestions should report them in the forum. It can, of course, be removed when VV becomes more developed.
To err is human; to arr is pirate.