Keep in mind, as of now, I only have three people that can actually walk, and one that's getting there.

To Stephen: "You're three! How much sleep do you need!?" "What do you mean, exhausted? Exhausted!? You don't wash the dishes, as I make your preggers mother, who, for some reason, can still run on the treadmill (!) and not work, do it; You don't sell things on the computer, as, for some reason, your delusional parents let you do WHATEVER you want, and so I look after you and ban you from it; You don't help put the groceries up; All you do is study and play ping pong at YOU'RE exhausted?" "Gah. Why can't your parents be more like you? When I say BED that's what I mean!" "Look. Just because there was a glitch in the game that allowed me to get more money than I will ever know what to do with does not mean you are allowed to lie in the hammock during a THUNDER STORM! I can't bring you back to life, y'know! All I can do is pay for the doctor to come tell me you're dead!" "Why are you outside, in the middle of the night, during a thunderstorm, in a sandbox, covered in mud which will be tracked into my house, when your parents are sleeping? You already KNOW about the creepy stranger next door that seems to know about every little thing in our lawn!" "If you'd stop poking plants and playing in the dirt, you'd feel fresh!" "Gah! I told them you were evil! Why is your head spinning!?"

Kimmi: "Look woman! If you do not stop arguing with your husband and have a baby right now, I will not hesitate to adopt the next THING that comes knocking!" "Wait. So, you can cook, clean, pick up weeds, walk on your treadmill, PLAY GAMES ON THE COMPUTER and send e-mails to me, among other things, but, you can't work? WORK! You're a book reviewer! How hard can your job possibly be!?" "I don't care if you're preggers or not! You're 28, and, you're acting more like a baby than your 26 year old husband!" "How long does it take for that baby to turn two? I get it. I get it. You think I'm not going to make you do anything while holding baby. Well, you're wrong! Short of working, you have the same responsibilities of us all!" "So. You won't get in the pool with your baby, but, you'll take a shower with her?" "Explain to me why you have clothes on in the shower." "If you can't see that remote sitting right in front of you, than you deserve to miss that show!" "Why is your child outside?"

Jasper: "If you so much as look at that duster one more time, your allergies will be the least of your worries!" "Your wife is sitting laid back in the chair, with her baby on her legs and the magazine on her baby's head. Do something."

In General: "Well, maybe she should stop having babies! I don't really have the means to... Wait. Glitch. Yes I do. I don't... Have the emotional means to WANT to support you guys and her babies!" "I see you too! THROUGH THE SCREEN!" "I just gave your groceries -facepalm-"
Psh. You think that's impressive? My kid's 3 and he sells online! So what if he's virtual? He's 3!