Hi! I was just reading this thread, and saw that black haired villagers are rare. I decided to check my villages just to see, and here is what I found:

Village 1- Population: 90 Women only

There are only a few, and they are all old, but I promise that their har was black.

Village 2- Population 33 Any villagers

When I saw this, I was amazed! I felt so lucky to have almost my entire village has black hair! Actually, I made two babies when I was taking the picture. I hope they have black hair too!

Unfortunately, there was no black hair in my 3rd village.

I'm sooo sorry about the pictures.blush After a half an hour,I still cannot figure out how to post a picture. So, here are the links:
Village 1: There are men in this one, too.

Village 2:
I'm going to take the time right now to plug my fanfics. Aspen's story and Lilihia and the Tree.