1. Education levels so that the kids have somthing to work towards.
2.House selection. Maybe have 5 houses with different layouts that you can pick.
3. See other people! Meet your neighbours/ friends, and maybe have parties.
4. Allow relatoves to visit and have peep's aunts/ uncles visit.
5. Have more moods, like angry/ irratated.
6. Let nursing mothers work! /put the baby in a playpen!
7. Have mothers be "pregnant" for 9 months of game time, then have them hold the baby.
8. More interaction with the pets!
9. Once you unlock all upgrades/ trophies, have a new set!
10. Have new room additions, such as a nursery or brekfast nook.
11. Be able to see dead family members' stats.
12. Have a basement. I don't know why, but it would be nice.
13. Change their hairstyles!
14. Allow children to have friends/ email them/ invite them over.
15. Being able to see my peeps at college! I miss them and want to see them grow up!
16. Have the option to send the old peeps to the nursing home.
I'm going to take the time right now to plug my fanfics. Aspen's story and Lilihia and the Tree.