Many more leisure tasks. The variety of tasks, and the villager's preferences are what make this game seem alive to me, and most leisure tasks are simply a matter of the right pre-existing animations in the right place, with the right flavor text. For instance, playing catch with your child. Playing chess or cards with another villager. Work tasks are limited, because the village's needs are limited, but hobbies are always many and varied. There's no reason for the things villagers do for fun, spontaneously, to be as limited as I've seen in the past.

Painting pictures, which when completed, could be carried to a gallery to make room for another picture, without end. (And sculpture, pottery, etc.) Running races, playing catch, the old folks playing chess or checkers or some odd game played with stones or something. (Something for the old folks.) Throwing darts, playing hide-and-go-seek or tag. How about relaxing and drinking tea? After making a clothing hut, maybe needlepoint is an option for the older ladies.

The way the villagers play and relax in their varied ways is, I think, one of the things that makes this series of games really breathe, and I want to see more of that. Not necessarily lazy villagers, but when they DO decide to take some time off, I'd like to see them with more varied hobbies.

And REAL hobbies, rather than staring at clouds, or cooling their feet in the stream, or doing laundry. Things that a man or a woman do to give their life more meaning.