"Cookie" family: Paulo died at 60 and later Sampi died at 59. Their daughter Margella (now 30) came back to the house and married Crisetto (now 27). They have four children so far: daughter Callie (6), twin daughters Katiana and Carella (4) and son Kita (still a baby).

"Os Bichinhos" family: Berenice died at 58 and Tech at 61. Their youngest child, Scarlett (now 32), inherited the house. She married Hobbit (now 30) and have three children: son Grindelwald (4), son Angel (2) and daughter Carrie (still a baby).

"Jo" family: Ada and Jet had three more sons after Marcus: Aiden, Kurt and Fabian. Ada passed away at 57, and Jet at 56. Kurt (25) now lives at the house with his wife Sammi (26). They have a daughter, Ruth, still an infant.

"Fred Fredburger" family: Dragomir died at 57, Kristiane at 60. Their youngest, Peyton (now 36) moved back to the house and married a woman named Camden (now 34). They have six children: twin daughters Saphesse and Saphette (12), son Ralph (8), twin sons Philip and Phineas (7) and son Bustopher (3).

"Sachinha" family: Shortly after Princesa was born, Peluchento and Feia II adopted a boy, Pernas. All of their six children are now at college. Peluchento is currently 59 and Feia II is 57.
"Oh, the irony! The contrived, hamfisted IRONY!" (Berserk Abridged)