I only just started this a few days ago, so I am sure this has happened to someone else, but I laughed a lot over it ;-) I made a soapy stew so I could get some folks to burp bubbles (I think that is one of the trophy categories), so I put three soap plants in and added food from the bin. The action said, 'throwing up soapy stew' and if that wasn't funny enough, there was a green cloud as they bent over and retched and the sound effect had me laughing! Oh dear...
I have to say that I really like this one better than Secret City. One thing I like a lot is the trophy acquisition which reminds me of Virtual Families. It's a way to keep it from getting boring once you solve the puzzles. I can see keeping this one open for a long time whereas with Secret City I would get bored once I solved the puzzles.
Plus there seem to be so many more activities, especially regarding food. The school is fun and my peeps seem to learn and do things faster than in the other game ;-)