1: What's been said in every single suggestion thread since VV1 came out - LET MOTHERS WORK! At least let them research and heal. None of this "no working for 2 years" stuff.

2: We've got a way to change their clothes, now how about hairstyles? People have been dying, cutting, and bleaching hair for centuries. Henna, lemons, etc have always been around. So why can't we change their hairstyles?

3: New herbalism potion - Youth Formula. So we can keep our favorites around for a long time. Turn them back into children, without any loss of skills. (Imagine, being able to keep a runner around for the entire game.)

4: I'd still like to be able to join all the games together and be able to pick my favorites from each game to start with. And be able to get the Golden Child and have him (or her) actually grow up and become an adult.
~Jami JoAnne Russell~
