three thumbs up on this one.

Well this is one of the best! I love them all (3 the least) this one is wonderful. It keeps you actively engaged while you have villagers building tech points.
There is nothing boring about it at all.
I absolutely LOVE the little map down in the right hand corner. It is just so user friendly and comes in handy for finding those pesky running kids when you need them.
There are plenty of mushrooms to keep all the kids fed while they grow up - gotta keep at least two kids actively engaged in hunting.
I thik spoilers should only be able to be posted via the private messages. None should be allowed on the open forum area. It just makes it too easy - and this one is easy enough.
It's total fun, beautiful to look at and has a really interesting theme, that super amazing tree.
I LOVE THIS ONE. The only complaint I have is that they are drawing a bit too much on the previous games. They should make the villagers prettier. I am tired of looking at monkeys! It has no reflection on the game. The game itself is just super

This 78 year old Grannie says:
***HAVE FUN***