I've gotta go against the grain and say I hate this game. WHY you ask? Because I already love it most of all the VV games and it is a really busy time for me and I am self employed. I think my family may starve while I make sure my little villagers eat!!

Seriously, my daughters and I are really excited about this version, we're working through the puzzles pretty well. They hog the game, so maybe I can cook a bit while they are enjoying it! We've only found a couple of glitches so far...tiny stuff. The game is really well prepared. I like the frequency of collectibles and mushrooms...makes those kids seem useful. I still wish nursing moms could cook or forage, or maybe even gather collectibles. And I wish the population were more diverse.

And the guide is fantastic (I had to make myself avoid the spoilers, though).

so thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! Please send care packages for my hubby, he won't see a good cooked meal from me for a while!