Lately, we've noticed a disturbing trend in Fan Art. We've had to remove several of your pics! cry It seems a shame, that you work so hard to create these, but forget to follow the rules. frown

The same general rules that apply to word posts also apply to graphic posts. It is NOT ok to post pics that show villagers "passing gas," or other bodily functions. blush

It is also not ok to show villagers jumping from high places. It's ok to show them on roof tops etc, so long as you aren't depicting them jumping in a way where they could/would be hurt.

Remember these are "E" rated forums, and the pics must reflect that. smile Here's a little piece of advice I give the Fan Fiction Authors: "Can I show this to my Preacher; Teacher; Parents & a 6 year old child without being embarrassed?" If the answer is "No" to any of these, then you shouldn't be posting your pic. laugh
Fan Fiction Mentor

Avvie by Airstream Raider
Where have all the Fan Fiction Fans gone?
(I miss Laurence cry)
I miss my wife cry