First, and foremost, my apologies to jamie and the other guys who are involved with this thread. blush

Now to (hopefully) clarify a point or two. I think what txmom2 was suggesting is like a "chain" mod. She will do one outfit, then pass it on to another person who would do the next mod etc etc until all the outfits are completed in a single mod.

Also, I wasn't suggesting that there shouldn't be mods, they tend to be quite helpful in most cases. All I was saying is that maybe everyone should get a chance to actually look at the game before they start planning their mods.

I don't buy a car and immediately start making overhaul plans until I first see what needs to be overhauled. It's always a good idea to take it out for a test drive, then decide what I want to fix.

Finally, I doubt we could keep all the mods in a single thread even if we wanted to. It would be confusing, and make it very difficult to find a particular mod once they start appearing. What I'm saying, is that for now we will keep all the conversation about mods in this thread.

Later we will determine how to handle the actual mods themselves. We may just allow them to be posted openly in the main forum, or as was done for VF, we may set up a separate place for them to go.

That being said, all I have left to say is COME ON MONDAY!!!
Fan Fiction Mentor

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Where have all the Fan Fiction Fans gone?
(I miss Laurence cry)
I miss my wife cry