OK, here's what just happened:

I just started a new game and my family is still kinda poor, so they are basically eating the regular meal. I'm just getting the ones on sale, so they just got (and I'm pretty sure of that)some bags of:

* organic vegetables
* regular vegetables
* regular bread

(no meat of any kind yet)

Today the organic dairies were on sale, so I bought 2 bags. They put them on the fridge and had a meal. Before I closed the game, I decided to buy another bag of organic dairies and then I got the "Nutrition Snob" trophy!!!

I didn't get it at first (I was not expecting a trophy for that) and I went to check what it meant: "You provided all 4 groups of organics". The thing is: I DIDN'T!!! *LOL*

Of course I thank for the trophy, but I didn't give them organic breads and any kind of meat.

Is that a glitch? Had this happened to anyone?

Nutrition snob.JPG

"Things won are done; joy's soul lies in the doing."
William Shakespeare