Here's the 2nd post to follow my original one re: the Autumn House. Just some fun things I enjoy having in my own little domicile that I thought I'd share with you - none of these are original; I have only modified them in some way:

Birth (Surprise! wink )

GopherinHole (Surpise! wink )

Orange Pinball Machine

Fountain Water with Doves

Off to College

Orange Lighted Fish Tank (Why not?)

Orange & White Stiped Patio Set

Kitchen Upgrade **not done by me** ~ I just added pumpkins & pumpkin pie on counter on 2nd upgrade pic. Don't ask me why I didn't do the same to the first one! Guess I was tired after that! wink

More in next post...can't seem to add any more to this one.

Nancy blush

P.S. If I've made any major faux paxs by any of what I've modified here, do let me know (nicely, please, so I don't cry...)
Be nice to people ~ You never know what they might be going through.