Miss Rainbow and Mr. Mohawk had triplets today. This is my second set of rainbow triplets, but in a different family. After trying to have a baby three or four times and failing, I gave them a doctor's checkup. The problem was Mr. Mohawk, his desire to have children is "I do not want kids" while Miss Rainbow was "Maybe". The doctor said to give him a baby boost shot. After the shot I put them together again and boom - triplets, and no arguing about it! Mr. "I do not want kids" now has six kids! (poor guy)

They all run in different directions now and I have given up any ghost of a chance to run after them and keep them out of trouble!



Description: Mother, sister age 8, and triplets age 2.


Description: Older brother age 13, older sister age 8, and triplets all having a giggle party. Mother is cool with the noise. LOL

WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for the above as apparently my cat has learned how to type.