It sounds so interesting though! Reading this topic reminded me of a few friends I had several years ago that were into creating custom avatars for a 3d chatting program. They were always talking about "skins" and "meshes" which sounds very much like your description of using skeletons and textures. One of them gave me this in-depth "lecture" about meshes when trying to explain why a certain hairstyle I wanted was a bit difficult to create. lol

It seems that for our small home there wouldn't be too many skeletons needed for basic objects (in fact, the children's beds and the sofa's are the only ones I can think of that need drawing from different angles.) Still, I imagine modding the clothing, heads and animations would be the greatest use for the program. I mean, wow! if we could just draw the first one of the set and have the program do the other positions that would open up a whole new world of mods to put into the game. laugh If my time were unlimited, I'd love to look into it. With all the modding people do to games nowadays, there's probably a good open source program out there somewhere. I just flat don't have time. heh