Thanks! blush

In fact, every time I start a new family I change the house. smile I keep getting things from the mods here and add things of my own.

My problem is that I have darkened the floors, so I have to merge the maps to post (or the maps won't fit with the original ones). smile

The flower bedroom is not ready yet: I'm still getting the mood to do the carpet *laughs*

Anyway, funny thing happened.

I started a new family yesterday and chose Zip. He got married on his first proposal and had triplets - that looked like their dad!!!
Now they just had another child: that looks like all of the others (and the father) *laughs*

If it wasn't for Sandrina, I'd have a Zip family! *lol*

triplets quadruplets.JPG

"Things won are done; joy's soul lies in the doing."
William Shakespeare