Here's my lot smile grin

This is my first family since the reformatting of our pc about 10 days ago.
My precious Morgan withhis mowhawk hairstyle. I adored that peep. He always just seemed to get on with his work, loved to tell stories to the kids and was a fantastic husband to Theresa. He died at the age of 65. Sadly missed.

My second slightly younger family has my first bald headed hubby named Wired. He and his lovely wife Java, first son Linux came with their names already in place laugh so I named the other's after PC bits and bobs too! The last little girls hasn't reached the age of two yet and is still carried by mom. AS soon as she 'drops' I shall name her 'nvidia'

And finally my third family. LOOK who I have back!!!! How excited am I?? Morgan!!( although he is still named 'Colonel' as he's still carried by mom. Even wearing the same clothes as he did before by the looks of it! my beloved Morgan has been reincarnated awwwww....

Finally..............Here's my Hubby Marc's family. He adores them as much as anyone could.

All things connect. - Chief Seattle 1854