After working pretty hard on some mods, I decided to play around with my little people and perform a "little" test. I marked this as a spoiler in case anyone wants to figure it out for themselves!

The only rainbow-haired child I have seen so far was in one of Lukerie's families as a (very lucky!) adopted child. The test will be based on the normal scheme of determining the child's hair which is using the image of the heads and counting how many heads are between the mother and father's and looking at the middle area of the two. I didn't want to count on mutations since that's not a solid method that you can try.

Since the rainbow hair is at the very end, I'd have to pair her up with the man next to her in the image file and produce a daughter.

Not the best of hairstyles in my opinion, but if he'll provide us with a little girl of rainbow hair, I'll gladly accept him!

The Test
At first I thought I'll sift through the adoptable people until I find one of the two hairstyles I need to work with..and I did find Mr. Spike first, but I decided continue looking for Miss Rainbow.

Finally, I find her and adopt her! Next is my search for Mr. Spike. What I did was clean up the house and wait until the first proposal e-mail arrived. As soon as the e-mail arrived, I do not open it. I pause, close the game and save my files as a backup in case the proposal isn't coming from Mr. Spike. smile I only had to reject 3 guys & use the backup files I created before Mr. Spike showed up!

So, after a little victory dance I made yet another backup of my files and then proceeded doing the same thing as I did with the proposals, but this time making children!

The first attempt I received an orphan event as soon as I reopened the game..I was curious so I accepted it and it was a cute little purple-haired girl. Unfortunately, she's not why I made this family so I went right to the baby-making LOL! Incidentally, she tried to interrupt them by jumping on the bed eek. First try, and they did not produce a baby.

I used my backups, then tried again. Once again I received an event and it was allergy season! I had to treat our colorful couple with some anti-histamines before they could even think about helping me with my test. All cleared up and..voila, a baby! *Waves bye bye to the poor orphan*

At this point, I'm chewing my nails. I'd assume that the baby should look exactly like the parents depending on the gender..unless there was a mutation!


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