I just had a girl assigned the name Bikini. (I am NOT making this up.) It's now Bikina, since -i is a masculine ending in my tribe's language.

(NOT funny: The feminines are -e and -a, w/ the guys also getting -u, -o, and the consonants. All this based on the very first names in my VV1 and my practice since, which turns out to match the large majority of the program's random picks.)

Also, the woman originally labeled Pickle, one of the founding members of the tribe, immediately became Pikle, getting rid of a) one of the very few exceptions to the consonant patterns otherwise used by the generator and b) an annoying distraction.

In an earlier tribe, Kayak became Kayaku merely to avoid annoying me. I had no problem with Truk, but his son, originally with the identical name, is Truku.

P.S. My M.A. is in Linguistics. Life does influence one's gaming.

Edited by George T SLC (06/21/09 05:27 PM)
Ile of gramarye.