Originally Posted By: Indigo Jo
Here's my family smile

Starting bottom right in green dress is Lilli 16, Zak 15, middle row from left to right = Milli 11, Indie 13, Zen 18, Top left to right is Pip 47 and Bernadette also 47. 'm sure Zen will be off to college very soon, and Kai, my youngest in the family who is aged 10 is away with a talent scout. Pip was always unsure whether Kai's darker hair and skin tone was more to do with the milkman than himself, but having said that his great, great great grandfather had a dark moustache so maybe?.....

I love your post! grin Isn't it funny how we all talk about them like they are our actual children? laugh Hang on..they are our children and families! laughlaugh
I have often regretted my speech, never my silence.Publilius Syrus(-100BC)