That's right. He earns $60 a day, paid hourly, that's $2.50 per hour. You'll often hear a "ching" sound when none of your peeps are working/selling collectibles; that tells you it's been paid. In addition he gets a bonus of 1% of his daily pay each time he finishes a work cycle. That's the 60c you saw added.

They also earn interest at 10% per day on their money. I wish I could use their bank! Click on the $ sign next to the bank balance to see a projection of their earnings over the next week. You'll see it goes up quite fast. That's without taking into consideration bonuses, promotions, or money earned through selling duplicate collectibles, let alone events and emails.

Of course, it also excludes all expenditure on little things like food or medicine, and assumes no house upgrades are bought ...
To err is human; to arr is pirate.