1) for the pc version I would like to see more broad support of higher end monitors, I am stuck running at 1680x1050x32 and the program barely fills up a fourth of my screen.
2) 3 tanks are definitely not enough, im running a fish store, i would like to have as many tanks as my store and my customers could stand.
3) how about also adding multiple isolation tanks. I know my betta's personally cannot stand to be in a tank with another fish.
4) salt water and freshwater fish, assorted other marine life, snails, frogs, rays, eels and live plants
5) order and sell aquariums and fish supplies to would-be customers as well (add-on sales are pure profit)
6) again more tanks, more fish in each tank. (more please!)
7) maybe start off as a small store, and branch out into a larger business space and perhaps even maybe a marine zoo.
8) anything i have missed, please add it as well, and more of it... must have more please! (bad case of FT Addiction)