I downloaded the Lite version for my Touch, had the typical bug like the game opening up and going back to the second last scene so I thought it was problems only with the free version.

Bought and installed the full version but just today the biggest bug bugged me. Just when I finally got my fragile breeds going past age 20, I suddenly couldn't open up the game. Both versions just froze up when I clicked on it and closed off immediately, not going past the LDW logo.

It won't let me open up both games almost the whole day and that means I had a whole lot of dead fishes!! It was so annoying as I had it on double speed ie. they needed feeding and looking after quite often. This is the longest time it freezes up on me. Normally it happens for just a few mins so I just kept clicking on it a few times till I starts.

Happens to anyone else too? I might just get bored of having my older fishes die on me so might just bin the app!!