Actually we haven"t had to give up much. When you have little to start with you don't miss so much. We do live comfortable. We are not poor. But when you have so little you learn when and where and how to be frugal.
We rent movies rather than go out.
We limit our games. We limit where we go.
I have problems with people who have so much and live like Kings knowing there are people in our country homeless and hungry. I watch these T.V. programs where the rich spend thousands of dollars on parties and things they usually only use once or twice. Cars they only polish. And frolic while they see someone eating out of a garbage can.
I do hope that all of you here on this website help those that are less fortunate. Because before this country gets better,It will get worse. And those that have might tomorrow have not.
I care about people. And I hope and pray that everyone comes out of this problem not to worse for wear.
You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.