Like our friend Gamey, I was already restricting things due to lack of a j o b. We are more fortunate than many, in that we do have a pension to sustain us.

Still, the recession (whether the politicians want to call it that or not) has made things even tighter. We have started combining trips, and only go to town when it's necessary. I parked the big riding mower, and am now using the little push mower. Actually, that's had a rather strange effect on my pants. THEY seem to be growing for some reason

We used to dine out about once a week, now we do so about once a month. We haven't been to a movie recently because it just costs too much. We are trying to figure out a way to reinstate that, because it was our "monthly date" ever since we've been together.

Probably the B I G G E S T change I've made regards our winter heat. We have decided to do away with our big propane furnace, and I am working on putting in an outdoor wood burning furnace. I better hurry up though, because it's starting to get cold here at night. \:8
Fan Fiction Mentor

Avvie by Airstream Raider
Where have all the Fan Fiction Fans gone?
(I miss Laurence cry)
I miss my wife cry