Originally Posted By: arnie
Several of those have alternatives so that even if you pick a particular choice you don't know whether the outcome will be good or bad. For example,
The villager had abdominal pain and fever. Villagers were able to partially translate an ancient scroll left by original inhabitants
that describes the illness exactly but the procedure for cure is very dangerous and barely within tribes technical reach.
A) let it run its course: the villager recovered but not completely. She continued to have pain and difficulty standing or walking for long periods.
B) I allowed the procedure and lost the villager OR I allowed procedure and... Viola! The villager was cured!

Another possibility is, if you allow the procedure, the villager will die.

B) I allowed the procedure and lost the villager OR I allowed procedure and... Viola! The villager was cured!

Yeah, I tried to include multiple outcomes as well. I probably missed some though. My post doesn't read as clearly as I'd like. Unfortunately, by the time I paid attention and noticed, the edit time had passed \:\( Thanks for sharing! Let me know if there is more \:\)