I appreciate what you are saying, and I don't mean to seem like I have ignored any posts--I read every single one.

I also would like very much to add fish beaming to the game, and I intend to do so. It is simply a lack of mastery of the IR and other communication processes on my part that are delaying this, but it is something we will have to tackle for this and also future games on the Pocket PC side.

Now when I say 'near future' you should understand that I have learned a lesson the hard way about giving specific timeframes on projects. It seems like everytime I do, something forces the date to slip...almost Murphy's Law. This is probably why software companies are always so vague about dates, and so many projects seem to 'slip'.

We have several 'pans on the fire' right now. One of my priorities is getting a fix update out for Fish Tycoon on PPC because, while the beta phase was very sufficient, there are some troubling flaws in the current release.

Aside from this we are working on a new project, moving into a new office, dealing with the very busy Christmas season, and trying to grow as we are woefully (but happily) overworked.

You never have to register here if you don't want...your posts matter all the same. If you ever want to yell at us, or me, jump right up and do so.

Lead Designer
Last Day of Work