Chapter 27
The Love of a Tribe

Obi spoke with a loud, clear, confident voice, never wavering in his story. Noa fell in love with her husband all over again and she listened to him describe Tarita's situation. When he had finished, he waited for their reaction, one hand on Tarita's shoulder, the other holding Noa's. On Tarita's other side, Ahi had an arm around her waist and held his sister with loving arms.

Coen was the first to step forward and walked straight to Obi. Coen stared at him for a minute then reached a hand up to Obi's shoulder.

"Are you going to let her go now, so that we can congratulate her? She's carrying a miracle, and I would like to give her a proper hug."

Noa let out a breath and only then realized she had been holding it. Obi smiled and released Tarita as Coen stepped sideways and hugged the young woman. The remaining tribe members took their turns to hug and kiss Tarita, offering sincere congratulations. The news of Tarita seemed to instill a new found energy and hope into the tribe.

Over the next nine months, the six women took their turns bringing more babies into the tribe. Obi and Noa had another boy, who, like their other sons, looked very much like their father. Piku and Mua had another girl. Coen and Jem birthed yet another little girl. Ahi and Aida also had girl. Akio and Aida had a son and Tarita had a boy. The tribe celebrated these children. The next generation and the future of the tribe. Noticing the wonderful mix of boys and girls that were born, the elder members of the tribe watched the children play together and knew their tribe would continue for sometime.

By the time all the children were old enough to be named, Noa had turned 52 and knew, in her heart, that her time for birthing children had come to an end. She wasn't sad, not really. Her and Obi had given birth to six beautiful children and were also grandparents. They couldn't possibly have asked for more. But as she realized that she was getting older, she was noticing age start to take its toll on her beloved. Having just turned 58, Obi was starting to move a little slower, pain starting to show in his joints. His face was lined from years in the sun, farming everyday of his adult life. His silver hair was starting to dull and was looking more grey than silver. But Obi's eyes remained bright, and he never complained, not once. Ahi had taken to farming as well, helping his father and sister out as Obi slowed down. Ahi was quickly mastering the skill and Obi cherished each day he spent with Tiki and Ahi, performing their duties as providers. The children equally enjoyed the time. As Noa watched the three grow even closer, she feared that her family was running short on time with Obi. She remained strong, but inside, her heart was starting to break. She simply couldn't imagine living without Obi. But when you start to age, you start to realize that everyone has to move on at sometime. As much as the miraculous acts of her family had made her a believer, she was quite sure that wishing and hoping was not going to allow Obi to live forever.
Last Day of Work