Halfway there everyone!

Chapter 16
The Mice

A few days later everyone gathered for the naming of the two girls. Mua and Piku had decided on Aida for their daughter. This time around, Noa didn't even try to speak, she simply looked at Obi expectantly. "Tiki" he said softly. Noa looked up in shock. "After your mother" he added to Noa. The two girls became the best of friends very quickly. Aida had long black hair just like her mother and Tiki had thick brown hair.

"All of your children come out with completely different hair colors" Bibi joked to Noa one day. "And none of them blond like you! Are you sure they are all Obi's?"

Noa laughed, "Of course they are. And they're beautiful. My mother's hair was purple and my father's was brown. I couldn't let all of our children look like Obi now could I?" The two laughed some more.


"Yes, Noa"

"Do you ever feel lonely? I mean, I have Obi, Mua had Piku, there's no one for you?"

Bibi smiled a sincere smile "Noa, you are all my children as far as I'm concerned and your children are my children. I'm the mother here, for everyone. That's my role. Sure, I get a little lonely at times, but I don’t mind, really. Hey, maybe someday my prince charming will just walk onto the beach. But if not, I'm perfectly happy with the family I have now. Who needs a husband when I have all of you?" Noa smiled and hugged Bibi. She realized for the first time that Bibi really was like a mother to her, and a friend.

Later, Coen was walking on the beach when he noticed a small, thick canvas sack that had washed on shore. Excited, Coen gently opened the sack and was astonished to find a few handfuls of starving, frightened mice writhing around in the sack. One of the mice bit Coen hard on the arm and he dropped the sack from the shock. The mice rushed out and ran straight into Ahi and Tarita who were coming to see what Coen had found. The mice bit both of them in defense and scurried away. Tarita screamed and Obi, hearing his daughter's cry came rushing forward, Piku close behind.

It didn't take long for the men to figure out what happened as they watched Coen stagger over, holding his arm, and then fall forward in a dead faint. Ahi and Tarita became silent and then promptly passed out. Piku looked around and saw the mice around the food bin. Calling for Noa, he grabbed a stick and went after the mice. Noa came running to Obi's side but just a few feet away, stepped on the tail of an unseen mouse which reared up and bit her. She paused for a moment then looked in her husbands eyes and she fell over.

Obi hollered for Mua and Bibi. The two came running, brandishing their own sticks for protection. They had learned much watching Noa heal and assisting in 5 births. The two worked quickly, with Obi's help to get everyone safely into the huts with the two remaining children while Piku fought off the mice outside with the help of Jem. Once the mice were gone, Jem ran to the hut and dove to Coen's side. She threw her arms around him and started crying, "Is he going to be alright? Are the others?"

"They'll be okay now, Jem" said Mua. "We've dressed the wounds and applied an ointment. They need some rest but all four should recover quickly.

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" Jem cried into Coen's chest. Obi, Piku, Mua and Bibi looked at each other in surprise.

"I think we might have another wedding soon" whispered Piku into Obi's ear. Obi smiled and nodded and went to comfort Noa.
Last Day of Work