Chapter 14
The Little One Named

A month had passed and it was time to name Noa and Obi's son. Everyone gathered for the event. Noa was excited, she had been thinking of names for two years. But when she went to say the name, none came to her. She looked up at her husband, asking for help. He smiled and said one word, "Ahi". And so Ahi was named.

The next day, Obi was eating lunch with Noa, watching Ahi play around the camp. Noa had been feeling off for a week, but this time, she didn't need Bibi or Mua to confirm.

"Obi" she said looking at him. He looked back. "It's happened again Obi." He looked confused. She patted her belly. Noa laughed as she saw the light bulb turn on in his eyes. Obi leaped up and grabbed her and jumped around. "We did it! We're pregnant again" He yelled as loud as he could. Noa laughed harder and kissed her husband.

Piku and Mua turned from the research table to look at their friends. Piku put an arm around his wife. "He doesn't say much" he said, "but when he does, it's really special." Mua gave a small smile and Piku noticed her look. "Don't worry" he said hugging her. "It will happen for us, it's just not our time yet." Mua looked at him, unsure, but she smiled a little wider. "Go congratulate her, she's practically your sister, Mua, you should be happy for her. She will be for you when it's our time" Mua nodded, tears threatening her eyes. She took a deep breath and went to hug Noa. Piku followed and hugged Obi.

Almost nine months later, Noa gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. With purple hair and her fathers bright smile, she was the pride of the whole tribe. Two years later, it came time to name her. Again, put on the spot, Noa blanked. Obi was prepared. "Tarita" was all he said.

One night shortly after, while in bed, Noa looked at Obi. "Obi, where did you come up with Ahi and Tarita's names?" she asked.

"They are the names of my mother and my father." He said simply. Noa suddenly looked sad, but Obi was happy. "They would have loved to have seen them. They would have loved you."

"Do you miss them?"

"Of course I do. But I'm not saddened by it. I celebrate them in my heart."

"Do you think they're still alive?"

"I'm sure they are Noa. They were quite young when they had Bibi and I, much like ourselves. But I'm not sure I'll ever see them again." He studied his wife's face. "And I know your parents miss you, and love you too. Don't be sad for them. Celebrate them. They are here with you, right here" and he touched his wife's chest, right where her heart was. Noa smiled, a tear on her cheek.

"How come you never told me before those were the names of your parents? How come Bibi never said anything?"

Obi smiled wider. "Bibi thought it was best that I told you and well, you simply never asked before". Noa laughed and smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry" she said, "I should have asked you sooner."

"Don't be sorry" he said and drew Noa close to him. "I knew you would ask when you were ready to."
Last Day of Work